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Friday, February 21, 2014


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So is Will North, Jamestown and Clarence. All solid teams. North going with Taplin as a senior, Jamestown back again for how many straight years. Clarence back for second straight year and I believe they were there a few years back as well. Great line up in AA ! Add a solid Lockport team to that and what a classification. Lockport back the first time since 2006. North first time back since 2011, only time with Taplin on team. He will be hungry to win his last chance. Prediction: Lockport over Jamestown 62-59. Clarence over WIll North 68-60. Clarence over Lockport 55-51. Not sure I should go against Taplin as a senior but it takes an entire team to win. Clarence and Lockport are more well rounded.

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