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Tuesday, March 19, 2013


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Great achievement by the Macks. Some other top players in Western New York learned this March just how difficult it is to make it to and then win their respective championships.


A great accomplishment by a great group of kids headed by a great coach.

Congratulations Macks!

a true public school overcomes the legal loopholes that these privates use to get favorable matchups on a very unlevel playing field created by then forcing by way of the courts to allow them this,and only by their"Good Graces" at least accept the division they are to play in by how good they are or are expected to be.and if they loose some recruits or have a few bad years can they do as the girls and float to a lower class based on enrollment? although it seems that they could as well dictate that through the legal system .....who goes to court to take a rule to task to force their way into section play with publics. I love to win but I like to sleep as well.Hats of to section 6 for keeping things like they are although they may hurt us as we get deeper into the playoffs,you can rest easy knowing you did it on a pretty level playing field in your section and many faired well even against these teams in most other sections...and MgKINLEY!!!!!way to roll guys.tough hard fought win today but pretty muched sliced through all the assembled schools with grace and at times made it look like a walk in the park...Silver Creek...5-6 kids and a bench and made it a long way....Olean...a heart breaker away from advancing...but stacked against the system I would say we were represented well.And I realize there is never a perfect solution to meet the needs of everyone but did a wonderful job just playing the game on the hardwood. I love section 6 and all the people here who write about them and really do a great job getting the word out about local High School Hoops!!Again congrats to all schools and McKinley,just watching the highlites made me hanker for a good ballgame!!

Congrats to Mckinley. Just a very fun team to watch, and absolutely had a little "extra" to overcome to bring home their state title. (20 fouls for macks and 9 for Ludden in semi's, and 20 fouls for macks and 16 for burke in Final.) Refs did a little better job evening it up in the final, but if you take out the 2 or 3 fouls Burke comitted at end of game to stop clock and regain possession, it was more like 20-13. And thanks to TW cable for televising the games, which enabled me to watch the finish at the Queensbury Hotel. :) Looking forward to the Federation, and Mckinley bringing home a federation title.

Really getting sick of everyone complaining about the public/private school issue. Deal with it.

NYSPHAA Class A state champion McKinley falls to John Adams in Federation semifinal in Albany. It doesn't diminish an outstanding season played by the Macks, one of the best seasons by a WNY team in the last several years.

Privates should not be in the PUBLIC high school championship. Not an even playing ground. Congrats to the Macks.

Hoopster - with a capital H...........lol

What was the score cc? Any sort of recap?

John Adams 69, McKinley 54

Does anyone have any info on today's All-Star games @ Grabiarz? Times? Rosters? etc.

My final Large school

#1 - Canisius
#2 - Jamestown
#3 - McKinley
#4 - Falls
#5 - Amherst
#6 - Joe's
#7 - Timon
#8 - Clarence
#9 - K West
#10 - W North

Going 2 ignore McKinley loss by 1 at home 2 Joe's and Amherst loss 2 Clarence after postseason performance.

My Final small school:

#1 - Olean
#2 - Silver Creek
#3 - St Mary's
#4 - Nichols
#5 - East
#6 - OTC
#7 - Oracle
#8 - Cleveland Hill
#9 - Lackawanna
#10 - Fredonia

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