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Saturday, February 02, 2013


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Great to see centercourt back posting ... want to point out, though, that Olean lost in the state semis at Glens Falls last year, not in the B championship.

Friday night's test was the kind of game Olean needed. They finish regular season with Dunkirk, Allegany-Limestone and Gowanda.

Thanks for that. I think I could use an editor - are you interested?

Look forward 2 the other 7 voters joining my season long pick of Canisius being #1

MIG - does the term self gratification ego ever enter into your mind? I would like to read about basketball and not your prognostication ability.

CC, I'd have to quit my day job... I'll just try to help out when I can.

i got lost Use ya left" and need reading help or"thinking"help as this was a copy 7 paste from the article about Olean losing in the semis @ glens falls written on the openlead>>>>>"Olean looks ready for a state run"

Imagine being the Olean Huskies. After starting four sophomores and falling in the Class B state semifinal game last season, winning it all became the expectation this season. where did he say they lost the B championship game????
cause i'll do the edit thing as it looks to be good by CC.....idk maybe your buddies and just tryin to screw me up,dont need any help there!!!I Do Love This Game>>>i can add blog now as well but will keep my username short since it end up being the only thing that is....have a great night everyone,be safe Good recap of the game CC guy.!!

the only poll that means anything is the final one after the seasons complete...who cares who is 1 or 2....or 8....every team has the ability to win....or dare i say lose!!!when East came to Newfane last year....they looked like giants and was almost comical how bad the Newfane team was compared to them....well that height advantage would allow them to skate out with a 5 point win and Newfane had a scrappy gamer who held their big man to 5 points...maybe a few more but the tall was it....they were lucky to walk out with the win but did deserve it...just saying the obvious is not a good word in local hoops....just my 2 cents on what i heard and got some footage on.

You are right love this game, the only poll that matters is the final one. Having said that, in-season polls are a big part of this blog, and its fun to see where the guys rate the teams during the season. It's also fun to add our opinions to the experts. Speaking of experts, I have noticed that only one Buffalo News pollster had Oracle Charter ranked BEFORE their upset of Mckinley, along with consistently voting Canisius ahead of N.Falls. Falls lost to WS, and Canisius beat Fairfield. I would assume on tuesday we will see a change at the top of the large school poll. By the way broken clock, a great man once said "if you don't blow your own horn, no one else will." That man was Ricky Henderson. Fact.

CC's original post here, on Olean winning at Rochester East, indicated that the Huskies lost in the B final at Glens Falls last year. I pointed out that they lost in the semis ... and CC corrected his post.

... For anyone who was confused about the reference.

And again, thank you. I strive to be accurate and always appreciate anyone who points out something they notice. Over the years, I've sent many emails to Keith pointing out something I caught, with the subject line "edit".

my bad left.....i thought you were referring to the above article on Huskies....but at least your watching,cause CC pretty tight!!!LOL. and i guess the polls during the season are fun to read who what how and why they are voting.i like it here simply to try and get a look,or should i say a better look at the localhoop seen and this is the best in my opinion. Ihave gotten rule clarifacations,run under the bus...but alot is because im totally disabled with a bad back and this is my big social event of the end of a long day at times.and i get slapped around once in awhile but i can take it,good times and i think some good people here as well.i think CC has a good grip on the action and looks to put some time into it so kudos to him for making this available for all mentioned things...have a nice night Hoopers.....Oh did the FALLS win????

Nice recap CC

Roger - or I mean a broken clock is right once a day - I am sorry if talking about the Large school BOYS BASKETBALL POLL doesn't seem like the actual 'basketball talk' u 'hunger for' on this blog.

It seems like EVERY TIME A WOMAN is right - all the men on this blog seem 2 'lash out' in anger. It's amazing that 100 years after Susan Anthony woman like me still have 2 take abuse from men like u.

YES - the fact that I have voted Canisius #1 every poll I DO feel good about.

Also, u have insulted Center Court as well, who every week puts his poll votes up as a seperate post. Why not rip into him 4 posting such 'non basketball' talk.

Alica Sweet thank u 4 defending me against such male pigs as that guy.

I'm sorry, is Susan Anthony the one who drowned her four kids in the lake, or the one who was recently aquitted for the "alleged" killing of her daughter. Please forgive me, I've got alot on my plate preparing for my defense in my own trial.

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