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Saturday, January 05, 2013


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How good is that Pitt Mendon team playing at Canisius today? Anybody know? Should the game be competitive?

McQuaid beat Mendon by 17. McQuaid lost in the first round of the Tom Keenan Memorial Tournament that Canisius won.

Mendon beat Pitt Sutherland by six. East Aurora beat Pitt Sutherland by 13.

Canisius should roll.

it was a good game that was not adjusted to properly....only in my opinion because im just pointing out some thing......i think maybe teams wont have to take newfane so serious.it is my belief that once the buzzer ends the game....the coach goes over what he sees went wrong and its time to get ready for the next game....you must always be thinking of your next game as your last because it take a sound mind and body to play this sort of what i would call a physical game of chess...good luck to all the fine young kids that choose sports over hanging around doing nothing.....and although the frustration came out during CSAT game....the foot seem to let off of the neck.i heard it was a great game and congrats to both teams for putting on what i heard was a good game that one team gave to the other....we will see with all theses teams how the season carries out....good luck all.

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